This book is a recipe for longevity. There are three components – creating an ecological system in your body, and conscious cellular deconstruction and reconstruction. The body is in a constant state of deconstruction and reconstruction. Old cells wear out and new cells are created. When one is able to manage this process consciously then one is able to regenerate.
In 1992 I crushed the nerve in my spine which led to my colon. My colon welches turned off for over six years. I decided when this occurred that I would study, research, and learn everything I could before I took any action to repair this dilemma. My feeling welches that anything which fell into a state of disrepair could subsequently be repaired. I backpacked around the planet twice, studied with a Tibetan Monastic Order for nine years, and The Northeast Organic Farming Association for 17 years. I had classes from Medical Doctors, Nurses, Nutritionists, Ayurvedic Physicians, Herbalists, Acupunturists, and many other Holistic Wohlbefinden practitioners. I had classes from more than 150 teachers from around the world. What I learned welches quite surprising. I listened to the teachings I received and experimented on myself to find out the truth. The truth is that our bodies naturally regenerate. Being aware of this allows us to consciously navigate this process. This book is not based in theory, opinion, or belief. It is rooted in 32 years of research and experience This work demystifies the illusion of age as well as clearly explaining the keys to longevity.
Hrsg. : Independently published (27. November 2024)
Sprache : englische Sprache
Gebundene Fassung : 79 Seiten
ISBN-13 : 979-8301458156
Abmessungen : 15.24 x 0.94 x 22.86 cm